Results for 'Benjamin Morgan Palmer'

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  1.  51
    Wrestling with Social and Behavioral Genomics: Risks, Potential Benefits, and Ethical Responsibility.Michelle N. Meyer, Paul S. Appelbaum, Daniel J. Benjamin, Shawneequa L. Callier, Nathaniel Comfort, Dalton Conley, Jeremy Freese, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, Evelynn M. Hammonds, K. Paige Harden, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alicia R. Martin, Daphne Oluwaseun Martschenko, Benjamin M. Neale, Rohan H. C. Palmer, James Tabery, Eric Turkheimer, Patrick Turley & Erik Parens - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (S1):2-49.
    In this consensus report by a diverse group of academics who conduct and/or are concerned about social and behavioral genomics (SBG) research, the authors recount the often‐ugly history of scientific attempts to understand the genetic contributions to human behaviors and social outcomes. They then describe what the current science—including genomewide association studies and polygenic indexes—can and cannot tell us, as well as its risks and potential benefits. They conclude with a discussion of responsible behavior in the context of SBG research. (...)
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    The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art: The Human Agenda (Special Edition).Jack Graveney, Alexander Kardos-Nyheim, Nadia Jahnecke, Aleksandra Violana, Alex Guard, Alex de Wild, Benjamin Keener, Daniel Morgan, Donari Yahzid, Hanine Kadi, Hannah Herbert-Owen, Helena de Guise, Jem Sandhu, Mishael Knight, Oona Lagercrantz, Ruairi Smith & Varda Saxena (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art.
    The Human Agenda is the first Special Edition of The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art (CJLPA), an interdisciplinary journal founded at the University of Cambridge. Focused on the unique intersections of law, politics and art in the context of human rights, contributors to the Special Edition include David Baragwanath, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Nadia Murad, Nancy Hollander, Andrew Clapham, Vladimir Osechkin, Mansour al-Omari, and many others. A full table of contents is available through the publication's own page.
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    The outward mind: materialist aesthetics in Victorian science and literature.Benjamin Morgan - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Though underexplored in contemporary scholarship, the Victorian attempts to turn aesthetics into a science remain one of the most fascinating aspects of that era. In The Outward Mind, Benjamin Morgan approaches this period of innovation as an important origin point for current attempts to understand art or beauty using the tools of the sciences. Moving chronologically from natural theology in the early nineteenth century to laboratory psychology in the early twentieth, Morgan draws on little-known archives of Victorian (...)
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    A Blight on the Pax Augusta: The Robigalia in Ovid’s Fasti.Morgan E. Palmer - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):503-523.
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    COMMENTS ON OVID'S FASTI - Heyworth Ovid: Fasti, Book III. Pp. x + 288. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Paper, £24.99, US$32.99 . ISBN: 978-1-107-60246-5. [REVIEW]Morgan E. Palmer - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-3.
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    COMMENTS ON OVID'S FASTI- (S.J.) Heyworth (ed.) Ovid: Fasti, Book III. Pp. x + 288. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Paper, £24.99, US$32.99 (Cased, £74.99, US$99.99). ISBN: 978-1-107-60246-5 (978-1-107-01647-7 hbk). [REVIEW]Morgan E. Palmer - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):110-112.
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    Review of Elizabeth Carolyn Miller: Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion[REVIEW]Benjamin Morgan - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):192-194.
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    Matthew C. Hunter, Wicked Intelligence: Visual Art and the Science of Experiment in Restoration London. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 2013. 352 pp. [REVIEW]Benjamin Morgan - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 41 (4):902-903.
  9.  24
    Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management.Albert Borgmann, Holly Jean Buck, Wylie Carr, Forrest Clingerman, Maialen Galarraga, Benjamin Hale, Marion Hourdequin, Ashley Mercer, Konrad Ott, Clare Palmer, Ronald Sandler, Patrick Taylor Smith, Bronislaw Szerszynski & Kyle Powys Whyte (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management is a wide-ranging and expert analysis of the ethics of the intentional management of solar radiation. This book will be a useful tool for policy-makers, a provocation for ethicists, and an eye-opening analysis for both the scientist and the general reader with interest in climate change.
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    Benjamin Morgan, The Outward Mind: Materialist Aesthetics in Victorian Science and Literature. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2017. Pp. 373. ISBN 978-0-226-46220-2. $35.00. [REVIEW]Shannon Draucker - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (4):734-735.
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    Walter Benjamin Re-Situated.Ben Morgan - 2018 - Paragraph 41 (2):218-232.
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  12. Benjamin, Heidegger and the anthropology of everyday life.Ben Morgan - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan (eds.), Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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  13.  7
    States of Affection: Gilles Deleuze and the In-Between-Ness of Becoming Cinema.Jessica Morgan-Davies - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (3):430-458.
    This article explores the rich and generative spaces poised between Gilles Deleuze’s movement-image and time-image semiotic regimes as laid out in Cinema I: The Movement-Image and Cinema II: The Time-Image. Using a transhistorical approach, this investigation provides insight into the myriad strands that cross between the proposed ‘breaks’ in cinema’s evolution of style and structure. Using the works of Loïe Fuller and Agnes Varda, as well as the theoretical support of theorists such as Walter Benjamin, Henri Bergson, Jean Epstein (...)
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  14.  21
    Tenses of the Present.Peter Morgan - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (2):203-210.
    ABSTRACT David Roberts’ History of the Present asks what comes after the grand narratives of European modernity. Progress is over, but without a past and with no assured future, the present remains in conceptual limbo. For Roberts, we are entering a new stage of a global cultural modernity marked by the end of European modernism. Taking a fresh look at the contested endings of the modern, Roberts suggests that an extended concept of contemporaneity might replace the problematic dualism of past (...)
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    Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken.Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan (eds.) - 2012 - Freiburg: Rombach.
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  16. The Benjaminian Moment in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: Spaciality and the Topos of the Bourgeois Intèrieur.Marcia Morgan - 2015 - In Nathan Ross (ed.), The Aesthetic Ground of Critical Theory : New Readings of Benjamin and Adorno. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield.
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    The Concept of the Beautiful.Marcia Morgan (ed.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This book details the history of the concept of the beautiful, starting with a distinction between the 'warm' metaphysics of beauty and the 'cold' one modeled on Plato's Janus-faced relationship to beauty, and ending with a fragmented yet hopeful vision propagated by the likes of Nietzsche, Benjamin, and Adorno. The most important intellectual figures to write about beauty in Western metaphysics and in the post-metaphysical age are examined in this book.
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    The Cambridge companion to modern Jewish philosophy.Michael L. Morgan & Peter Eli Gordon (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambrige University Press.
    Modern Jewish philosophy emerged in the seventeenth century, with the impact of the new science and modern philosophy on thinkers who were reflecting upon the nature of Judaism and Jewish life. This collection of new essays examines the work of several of the most important of these figures, from the seventeenth to the late-twentieth centuries, and addresses themes central to the tradition of modern Jewish philosophy: language and revelation, autonomy and authority, the problem of evil, messianism, the influence of Kant, (...)
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    Letter to Lester Olson.Jessica Benjamin - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):286-290.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 286-290 [Access article in PDF] Letter to Lester Olson Jessica Benjamin Dear Lester Olson,I regret not having responded sooner to your communication. This is a matter of considerable importance to me, but you might imagine that it is difficult to read an analysis of events in which I was so involved that takes so little account of my/our point of view. Let me (...)
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  20.  13
    Thinking in the Dark: Cinema, Theory, Practice.Murray Pomerance & R. Barton Palmer (eds.) - 2015 - New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
    Today’s film scholars draw from a dizzying range of theoretical perspectives—they’re just as likely to cite philosopher Gilles Deleuze as they are to quote classic film theorist André Bazin. To students first encountering them, these theoretical lenses for viewing film can seem exhilarating, but also overwhelming. _Thinking in the Dark _introduces readers to twenty-one key theorists whose work has made a great impact on film scholarship today, including Rudolf Arnheim, Sergei Eisenstein, Michel Foucault, Siegfried Kracauer, and Judith Butler. Rather than (...)
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  21. Matter and Memory.N. M. Paul & W. S. Palmer (eds.) - 1990 - Zone Books.
    "Since the end of the last century," Walter Benjamin wrote, "philosophy has made a series of attempts to lay hold of the 'true' experience as opposed to the kind that manifests itself in the standardized, denatured life of the civilized masses. It is customary to classify these efforts under the heading of a philosophy of life. Towering above this literature is Henri Bergson's early monumental work, Matter and Memory."Along with Husserl's Ideas and Heidegger's Being and Time, Bergson's work represents (...)
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    A syntactical hellenism at Horace, satires 1.3.120–1, and a possible imitation in livy.Benjamin Victor - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):430-433.
    Horace, Satires 1.3.117–23, as transmitted: adsitregula, peccatis quae poenas inroget aequas,ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello.nam ut ferula caedas meritum maiora subire 120uerbera non uereor, cum dicas esse paris resfurta latrociniis et magnis parua minerisfalce recisurum simili te, si tibi regnumpermittant homines.Let there be a rule to impose fair penalties for transgressions, lest you pursue with terrible scourge one deserving but the stick. You see, I don't fear that you will strike with a schoolmaster's rod one who has earned more (...)
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  23. Fundamental aspects of cognitive representation.Stephen Palmer - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd (eds.), Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 259-303.
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  24. Between Text and Community: The “Writings” in Canonical Interpretation.Donn F. Morgan - 1990
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  25. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness.Benjamin W. Libet - 1993 - (Ciba Foundation Symposium 174).
  26. Smelling Phenomenal.Benjamin D. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:71431.
    Qualitative-consciousness arises at the sensory level of olfactory processing and pervades our experience of smells to the extent that qualitative character is maintained whenever we are aware of undergoing an olfactory experience. Building upon the distinction between Access and Phenomenal Consciousness the paper offers a nuanced distinction between Awareness and Qualitative-consciousness that is applicable to olfaction in a manner that is conceptual precise and empirically viable. Mounting empirical research is offered substantiating the applicability of the distinction to olfaction and showing (...)
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    Creating Human Nature: The Political Challenges of Genetic Engineering.Benjamin Gregg - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Human genetic enhancement, examined from the standpoint of the new field of political bioethics, displaces the age-old question of truth: What is human nature? This book displaces that question with another: What kind of human nature should humans want to create for themselves? To answer that question, this book answers two others: What constraints should limit the applications of rapidly developing biotechnologies? What could possibly form the basis for corresponding public policy in a democratic society? Benjamin Gregg focuses on (...)
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  28. Are we all exploiters?Benjamin Ferguson - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (3):535-546.
    This paper argues that two single-factor accounts of exploitation are inadequate and instead defends a two-factor account. Purely distributive accounts of exploitation, which equate exploitation with unfair transaction, make exploitation pervasive and cannot deliver the intuition that exploiters are blameworthy. Recent, non-distributive alternatives, which make unfairness unnecessary for exploitation, largely avoid these problems, but their arguments for the non-necessity of unfairness are unconvincing. This paper defends a two factor account according to which A exploits B iff A gains unfairly from (...)
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  29. Pereboom on the Frankfurt cases.David Palmer - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (2):261 - 272.
    According to the principle of alternative possibilities (PAP), a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise. In what follows, I want to defend this principle against an apparent counterexample offered recently by Derk Pereboom (Living without free will, 2001; Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 29: 228-247, 2005). Pereboom's case, a variant of what are known as Trankfurt cases,' is important for it attempts to overcome a dilemma posed for earlier alleged counterexamples to (...)
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    Commonsense reasoning about causality: Deriving behavior from structure.Benjamin Kuipers - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):169-203.
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    Process Theology and the Challenge of Environmental Ethics.Clare Palmer - 1993
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  32. The Logic of Gospel Criticism.Humphrey Palmer - 1970 - Religious Studies 6 (2):195-197.
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    In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.Benjamin Yelle - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1409-1418.
    “Sophisticated” theories of welfare face two potentially devastating criticisms. They are based upon two claims: that theories of welfare should be tested for what they imply about newborn infants and that even if a theory of welfare is intended to apply only to adults, we might still have sufficient reason to reject it because it implies an implausible divergence between adult and neonatal welfare. It has been argued we ought reject sophisticated theories of welfare because they have significantly counterintuitive implications (...)
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    Innovation, ethics, and entrepreneurship.Morgan P. Miles, Linda S. Munilla & Jeffrey G. Covin - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):97-101.
    This paper is a response to Ray's recent proposal that the intellectual property rights attached to potentially life saving/life sustaining innovations should become public goods in cases where markets are either unable or unwilling to pay for the creation of the intellectual property. Using a free market approach to innovation based on Western moral philosophy, we suggest that treating intellectually protected life saving/life sustaining innovations as public goods will likely reduce social welfare over the long term.
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  35. The Model of Social Facts.Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman (ed.), Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  36. Open texture, rigor, and proof.Benjamin Zayton - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-20.
    Open texture is a kind of semantic indeterminacy first systematically studied by Waismann. In this paper, extant definitions of open texture will be compared and contrasted, with a view towards the consequences of open-textured concepts in mathematics. It has been suggested that these would threaten the traditional virtues of proof, primarily the certainty bestowed by proof-possession, and this suggestion will be critically investigated using recent work on informal proof. It will be argued that informal proofs have virtues that mitigate the (...)
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    Virtue in being: towards an ethics of the unconditioned.Andrew Benjamin - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Towards the unconditioned: Kant, Epicurus and Glückseligkeit -- Arendt and the time of the pardon -- Kant, evil, and the unconditioned -- Judgment after Derrida.
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  38. Plato’s Reception of Parmenides.John A. Palmer - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):247-249.
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    Disorienting Neoliberalism: Global Justice and the Outer Limit of Freedom.Benjamin L. McKean - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Many people believe the global economy is unjust, but they don't know what to do about it. What responsibilities do American consumers have to workers in China making their iPhones? Should they still buy clothes made in Bangladesh's sweatshops? Offering an overview of how neoliberalism orients us to the world, Benjamin L. McKean shows the practical shortcomings of neoliberal approaches to the world and develops an alternative way of thinking and acting guided by a compelling new account of freedom. (...)
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    Of Jews and animals.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    A food politics of the possible? Growing sustainable food systems through networks of knowledge.Alison Blay-Palmer, Roberta Sonnino & Julien Custot - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):27-43.
    There is increased recognition of a common suite of global challenges that hamper food system sustainability at the community scale. Food price volatility, shortages of basic commodities, increased global rates of obesity and non-communicable food-related diseases, and land grabbing are among the impediments to socially just, economically robust, ecologically regenerative and politically inclusive food systems. While international political initiatives taken in response to these challenges and the groundswell of local alternatives emerging in response to challenges are well documented, more attention (...)
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    Social Enterprises and the Performance Advantages of a Vincentian Marketing Orientation.Morgan P. Miles, Martie-Louise Verreynne & Belinda Luke - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):549-556.
    This study focuses on the managerial issue of should social enterprises become more marketing oriented. It adapts the Kohli et al. MARKOR marketing orientation scale to measure the adoption of marketing by SEs. The items capture Vincentian-based values to leverage business in service to the poor as a measure of a Vincentian marketing orientation. A VMO is an organisational wide value-driven philosophy of management that focuses a SE on meeting its objectives by adopting a more marketing orientated approach to serve (...)
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  43. The managerial relevance of ethical efficacy.Marie S. Mitchell & Noel F. Palmer - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 89--108.
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  44. (2 other versions)Introduction.Benjamin Hill - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This introduction argues for the importance of Suárez’s philosophy for historians of medieval philosophy as well as historians of early modern philosophy. It also provides synopses of each of the essays in the volume and a brief biography of Suárez, placing his life and works into some historical context.
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    On the syllogism.Augustus De Morgan - 1966 - New Haven,: Yale University Press. Edited by Peter Heath.
    Originally published in 1966 On the Syllogism and Other Logical Writings assembles for the first time the five celebrated memoirs of Augustus De Morgan on the syllogism. These are collected together with the more condensed accounts of his researches given in his Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic an article on Logic contributed to the English Cyclopaedia. De Morgan was among the most distinguished of nineteenth century British mathematicians but is chiefly remembered today as one of the (...)
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    Newman and the Alexandrian fathers: shaping doctrine in nineteenth-century England.Benjamin John King - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    By exploring which Fathers interested Newman most and when, using both published and archive material, Benjamin J. King demonstrates the influence of the..
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    Seven Ways of Looking at Religion: The Dominant Narratives.Benjamin Schewel - 2017 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Western intellectuals have long theorized that religion would undergo a process of marginalization and decline as the forces of modernity advanced. Yet recent events have disrupted this seductively straightforward story. As a result, while it is clear that religion has somehow evolved from its tribal beginnings up through modernity and into the current global age, there is no consensus about what kind of narrative of religious change we should alternatively tell. Seeking clarity, Benjamin Schewel organizes and evaluates the prevalent (...)
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    Anarchisms, Postanarchisms and Ethics.Benjamin Franks - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book outlines the various approaches to anarchist thought, explaining differences between rival traditions, and assesses how anarchism challenges hierarchies of power in the generation of social goods.
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    Present Hope: Philosophy, Architecture, Judaism.Andrew E. Benjamin - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    An understanding of what we mean by the present is one of the key issues in literature, philosophy, and culture today, but also one of the most neglected and misunderstood. _Present Hope_ develops a fascinating philosophical understanding of the present, approaching this question via discussions of the nature of historical time, the philosophy of history, memory, and the role of tragedy. Andrew Benjamin shows how we misleadingly view the present as simply a product of chronological time, ignoring the role (...)
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  50. A note on bearer-uniqueness and particularised qualities.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Many friends of the category of particularised qualities subscribe to the view that particularised qualities have a unique bearer in which they inhere; no such quality then can inhere in two different entities. But it seems that this idea is flawed, for there are apparent counterexamples. An apple’s redness is identical with the redness of its skin, though the apple is distinct from its skin. So it seems that a principle of beareruniqueness has to be modified, maybe by excluding certain (...)
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